This is Very first time release of my extension regardig the CRM to carryout Custmer relationship and maintain the meetings, calls, orders, invoices, payments in one place with Project and Tasks module. Many CRM ...
Installing Kvcodes CRM
To install the Customer Relationship Management Module is very easier and also it h...
Project Management
The Project management is an added functionality to plan, organize and manage them in one place within FrontAccounting. A project is a one-time activity that produces a specific output ...
A task is an activity that needs to be accomplished within a defined period of time or by a deadline to work towards work-related goals. A task can be broken down into assignmen...
Leads can be created against customers to unveil the business potential. You can create leads from CRM->Add Manage Leads. Leads can be created with basic contact and personal ...
The new business opportunity can be recorded with the selected customer and also it's connecting the customers with its probability. You can able to create new opportunity by opening CRM->...
By default FA it starts with sales quotation and proceed to next steps and finally it reaches the sales payment. The transaction gets completed. But in our function we have estimate which we can convert to sales order and...
Other Functionalities
Some additional functionalities which may not be listed under major category. But it has some imp...
This is Very first time release of my extension regardig the CRM to carryout Custmer relationship and maintain the meetings, calls, orders, invoices, payments in one place with Project and Tasks module. M...