Other Functionalities
Some additional functionalities which may not be listed under major category. But it has some important role in the CRM to use.
Email Templates
There are some email Templates which are defined to link and send emails when a status change or updated it. We can update the system and notify the respective person to check the status or update. We have some email templates as of the module based. you can rewrite to add your wordings into the mail content for each template.
Import and Export
We need to transform the data from one place to another. And we need to keep the data's same to use it. So let's make a function to transfer the data into CSV and take the file out and import it on some other server. May be it requires to transfer data from one location another.
The kvcodes CRM setting is so simple and easy to update and configure. Very basic things are there to use.
Users and Roles
When it comes to role and access management I had big struggle to bring it. Anyhow I tried to provide a respective functionality to provide role based access and I allowed customers and suppliers to login into the system and check their stock and transaction details.
As we are using the Custom SMTP class to handle the mail delivery. Which will improve the system to send emails on time as well as you can track the failures. Just configure the SMTP clearly to send emails from CRM. And we have email templates, you can add some templates to users and send emails to them.
Custom Fields
There is always a situation that, we need to add some custom fields to our modules like the leads, opportunities, customers, suppliers, tasks and also projects. There is a way to add your desired and needed custom fields into the system. with that you can change the way what you needed. hope this feature gives you extra functionality to make it to customize the system more friend-lier to you.
New Feature
Now it will send an email to the customers when you create sales invoice,
To acheive this, you need to setup the smtp and permission to send email automatically,
- We have an email template for new invoice, edit it with proper content,
- Goto "CRM->settings" here
- Setup the Proper Working SMTP and Check the email notification for new invoice
That's it. Now if you create new sales invoice. it will send email notification to customers automatically.
Error :Creation of dynamic property current_user::$user_type is deprecated or Creation of dynamic property current_user::$contact is deprecated or Creation of dynamic property current_user::$person is deprecated?
These two errors are coming with php 8.2 onwards. due to the restrictions of dynamic property we have to add these two variables $contact and $user_type to the current_users.inc Like the below one
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/prefs/userprefs.inc");
if (!defined('TB_PREF')) {
define('TB_PREF', '&TB_PREF&');
class current_user
var $contact = -1;
var $user_type = 99;
var $person = 0;
var $user = 0;
var $loginname;
var $username;
Version 1.1 - changes
- Email Log created and added log viewer and the log will be auto deleted if its 100 days old. (Cron job required to perform auto deletes).
- Invoice Overdue email automatically to the contacts
- Types updated with core types customer 41, and supplier 42, like that go on.
- Custom fields feature brought to enhance the leads, customers, suppliers, tasks, projects, page to increase the needy fields in it.
- Some minor bugs fixed as well.