Configurations and Shortcut Keys

Key board Shortcuts

  • ctrl + b - BarcodeScanner Enabled
  • shift + p - Product selection Drop down focus - you type the product item code or name and use nagivation keys(up and down) to navigate and enter key to select the product. And again enter key to add the product to cart.
  • shift + n - New Customer add Form will open from the Popup modal
  • shift + c - Search Customer by typing the name, phone number,or email
  • shift + down - To select next customer
  • shift + up - To select Previous customer
  • shift + r  - Print receipt
  • shift + t - Tender Amount
  • ctrl + up - Increase the last cart item quantity by one
  • ctrl + down - Decrease the last cast items qty by one.
  • ctrl + del - Remove Last item from the cart.
  • ctrl + q - Logout from POS
  • enter key - Tender Amount, next enter key will goto Pay and Complete, Next enter key will goto Print Receipt.


  • alt + h - Home Page
  • alt + p - POS Page
  • alt + c - Customers Page
  • alt  + s - Sales
  • alt + r - Profile Page
  • alt + e - Sales Return  Page
The System keyboard shortcuts can be customized based on your needs from the backend. So here after the shortcuts keys can be defined or changed by the administrators, themself.

Navigation Menus

We have two major roles, such as Salesman and Administrator. The first user is always the administrator. Which is default, and that will be set from the installation page. Each terminal you need to create separate User account to get it work. So the salesman will have separate menu, which also you can customize it. So here we go
1. Adminstrator users can use Top2 Menu items 
2. Salesman users will use the Sales Man menu items.

If you wish to add pages as links you can add it very well. Suppose if you are looking to add custom links you can use the bottom Custom links to add it. 

POS Terminals

Terminal is a selling point, This point can be a computer or the cash machine, whatever its called, this a terminal. So first we need to create the terminal from FA Setup->Point of Sale Page. Here you can create the terminal with cash , credit options and default inventory location.  This inventory location will be connected with the user by default in FA. which we are also maintain and keep using it. 

POS User
With the POS account from FA, we are going to create POS user account here. Goto Your POS -> Admin Dashboard -> Users- -> Add New.  Here you are going to add new user, either salesman or the administrator. When you are creating salesman It will ask you to choose the POS account which you created on FA. and also salesman, if you wish to create new salesman, you can create that from here. 

Salesman from FA
While you are creating Salesman, the system will automatically create a salesman for you. And you need to create Salesman from FA which you need to connect this POS terminal. Along with Breakeven points and provisions. 

Administrator Inventory Location
Normally the Administrator doesnt get connected with any inventory location. Because he can able to see any inventory location stocks. And also Salesman can perform the sales activities. 

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