POS 1.6 onwards installation

From the version 1.6 onwards, We are not keeping the FrontAccounting Files inside our POS. Because most of the users are prefer to connect with their existing FA. So Only the ERP directory will be there. Just copy your config_db,php from your FA to POS/ERP/config_db.php 

Where can i get config_db.php file ? 

Goto your FrontAccounting(FA) Installed Directory. There Several directories and some PHP files in it. Find the config_db.php from the php files. and copy that file to POS/ERP/ and paste it there. 

After copying the config_db.php, you can access your POS url on browser to start the installation of POS.  Keep the same database user and password for the pos as well. so it will work from there fine. Just get the database crendentials and admin login to install the pos. 

Now, We need to update your FA database to work with POS compatiblity. So after installing the pos login with credentials, you will be directed to admin page like yourpos.com/kv-admin/. Here you can see the menu link Update Company. There it will list all the companies from your config_db.php. 

You can choose the company and press submit to update the database. 

Now you can create users with company, Salesman, pos, and inventory location. 

Note: This installation doesnt describe about installing FrontAccounting, The FrontAccounting installation comes from the official website. We only taking the config_db.php from it and make a standalone POS to connect FA database and work on it 

1. How to Create New Sales Person in POS ? 

  • Create a new Sales man from FA
  • Create New POS from FA
  • And You can create new user from POS with selection of these two.

Dont forget to change the Role to salesman to get this options to work

2. How to assign a FA Salesman and POS along with location to Admin user

Generally the Admin user is not connected with any of the inventory location. but connected with default salesman in FA. If you wish to connect the admin with POS, You need to change the Role from admin to salesman and now select the POS location and Salesman and update it.  Again edit the same user and change the role to administrator to effect it. 


Suppose if you get errors like this 

  • No Previous Customer. Go down to select one. error appears, you need to goto yourpos.com/kv-admin/ Here click on Shortcut Keys and scroll down to the bottom and click simply Update button without changing anything. 
  • Inventory Page Undefined Parent id. , if you see a popup on the Inventory screen like the parent id missing, than you missed to update the Companies.  Kindly follow the above Update company setup to take effect. 
  • Location not connected. -> This requires a little more understanding to get it You need to connect the POS of Your FA with POS User account. 
  • Customer drop down not shows the customer, It requires to connect with salesman to get it. 
  • Can we connect one user with different salesman from FA. -> Actually this pos designed to work with one user connected with one salesman.  So it wont work like that. 
  • Can i connect multiple companies in one POS. -> If you have the companies configured in one config_db. and if that companies Database user is same, you can connect and use it.

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