Installation Steps
- Download the Zip file from our website. After you made payment to the module, you can able to download the extension of theme from it.
- Extract and uploads files of extracted to the FA/modules/. So the extension directory will be like this. FA/modules/ExtensionName.
- Now open your Browser and login to your FA.
- Navigate to the. Setup-> Install and Activate Extensions
- You can see our module name in it.
- There is an install (Button of Download). Use that to install module. Once after this, You can see your *Extensions - Available or installed. Choose the company which you want to activate the extension. and There the installed extensions list will show. Here click on the checkbox and press the Update button at the bottom of this table.
- Now the extension has been added, Now you need to login into company and move to. Setup->Access Setup. Here choose your role and scroll down to setup the permissions for your newly installed extensions.
- Save it. and Loggout and login again to the permissions take effect.
- You can get access to open the respective extension settings.
Debugging Mode
This is often asked question by many FA clients and new users. While you are trying the extension, you might encounter some problems or errors, when you have the source code different, or running the program in different version of php and its enabled features and libraries. Sometimes it happens with mysql level too. Or in most of the cases, the core modified and doesnt fit to work on it. So lets try the system to enable debugging mode to see the errors and get it identified and fixed that issues.- Open your FA/config.php file in a text editor or program editor like sublime, vs code, notepad++, or phpstorm, Whatever you have, you can open this file.
- Find this $go_debug = 0; And change this to $go_debug = 1; Suppose if you are looking detailed error make this as 2 like this. $go_debug = 2; And save the file and try do the same testing again, you will get the results with errors, record those errors and send it to us.
Note: When you are sharing an issue with us, kindly provide the issue in detail like a screenshot with full page covering of that errors and its line details. And if you are making video, Avoid record your screen with mobile camera, which is absolutely hard for us to view from our end. So consider this as our big request and provide the videos like screen recorded. You can get many apps and softwares for it. So make use them one. or you can get extension from google chrome extensions, or your browser extensions. Try make it use of it.