Approval Module


The Multi level approval system for the FrontAccounting system. We have created a module, without making changes in the core to apply approval process. Which helps you to assign role based approval flow upto ten levels. Let's say you have 4 levels. you can start with top level to the least level.  There are few instructions. 

  1. You dont need to bring the Top users like CEO, Head, Overall manager are all not necessary to be approval levels. so if you didnt add these roles, their entries automatically approved and directly created in the system. Only the needy roles needs to be configured here. 
  2. The Customized changes from FA for your needs. may not shown in the approval view pages. Because, our code doesn't show the customized modifications here. But it will effect finally approved by the top level approver. 
  3. We have two pages. Approval Setup and Approval inquiry. The Approval setup needs to be accessed with top level moderators. and the approval inquiry page should be given to all the user roles. 


There is nothing hard to install.
  • Simply Unzip the downloaded file, and place it inside the FA/modules/ directory.  and
  • Goto your browser login to Fa and navigate to Setup->Install and Activate Extensions
  • Install the Approval module
  • Activate it for needy company by choosing the right company. 
  • Set the User access permissions based on needy roles. and logout and login again. 
That's it. 

Setup and configurations 

You need to choose the transaction type, example Sales order and start feeding roles based on top to lower level. The Final approver should be in the top.  the lower level entry maker at the bottom. the middle level users are also can able to create entries. and those entries are approved by the parent approvers.  The Final approver will make the entry in the live system.

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