Flutter POS App Installation and configurations

Installation and Setup Guide for KvcodesPOS with Flutter POS App

Step 1: Extract the Zip File

  1. Download and extract the zip file you received.
  2. Inside the extracted contents, locate the KvcodesPOS folder.

Step 2: Copy KvcodesPOS to FA Modules

  1. Copy the KvcodesPOS folder.
  2. Navigate to your FA (FrontAccounting) installation directory and go to the modules folder (FA/modules/).
  3. Paste the KvcodesPOS folder here, so the path should look like FA/modules/KvcodesPOS.

Step 3: Install and Activate KvcodesPOS

  1. Log in to your FA system.
  2. Go to the Install/Activate Extensions section.
  3. Find KvcodesPOS in the list, install it, and activate it.

Step 4: Obtain Access Token

  1. After activation, a new link will appear under the Setup menu.
  2. Click on this link to access the KvcodesPOS settings.
  3. Here, you will see an Access Token. This token is required to connect your FA with the Flutter POS app.
  4. Copy this access token and save it for later use.
  5. If you need to generate new credentials, click on Create New. Note that only one set of credentials will be valid at a time.

Step 5: Configure Flutter POS App

  1. On the Flutter side, update the following details in your app:
    • Logo(App Icon)
    • App Name
    • Package Name. (com.kvcodes.pos)
  2. Add the access token obtained from the KvcodesPOS settings.
  3. Add the URL of your FA system in the format: https://yourdomain.com/modules/KvcodesPOS or https://erp.example.com/modules/KvcodesPOS.

Step 6: Build and Test the App

  1. Generate the APK or create a release bundle to get the app ready.
  2. Test the app with the configuration and access token you have set.

By following these steps, you will successfully integrate and test KvcodesPOS with your FA and Flutter POS app.

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