The theme translations is a bit time consuming process. let me guide you on steps to make it.
- Open our theme directory and open the files of all which ends with extension .php Make sure you have opened it on a Good program editor such as Notepad++, Sublime, Vscode, Phpstrom, etc.
- Find the strings enclosed with _( and ). Example _("Dashboard").
- Here copy only the string Dashboard and now, we have to open your FA language PO file. Example for Arabic. it will be
/lang/ar_EG/LC_MESSAGES/ar_EG.po or sometimes it comes along with FA db version with the file name, so open the file name carefully. - Goto the bottom of the file and add this string Dashboard to the file like the below one.
msgid "Dashboard" msgstr ""
- And save it. Like that find all Translatable strings from our theme and add it to this file. I mean Repeat the step 2 and 4 till you get all translatable strings.
- After that save that po file and than open the file on Poedit software or any other popular po editors. And translate the strings from there.
- Finally, you can compile the MO file with it. and get the Mo file and copy it to /lang/ar_EG/LC_MESSAES/ . Once you copy here. And you can change the language from your Preferences page from your FA to check this.
Note : We are not actively Providing all the strings Translatable. Suppose if you wish to translate strings. You can change them on your own risk. By making the string enclosed with _( and ). And it will help you to make it workable there. Eg.
if we have name like this in our system "Theme options". and which is not available for translation. You have to make this with _("Theme options") and than you can apply this string on Translations and get it worked.