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Simple E-mail Validation in PHP using JavaScript(jQuery)

Simple E-mail Validation in PHP using JavaScript(jQuery)
Simple E-mail Validation in PHP using JavaScript(jQuery). generally we do validations by two ways. Client-side Server-side 1. Client -Side : We have to verify that the user entered data is an email. But we can do this by using JavaScript or  jQuery.  Here is the code to validate email. Here is the html first. <form method="post"> <input type="text" name="user_email" value="" onChange="kv_validateEmail(this)"> </form> And here is ...

Check if Javascript function exists or is defined

Check if Javascript function exists or is defined . On certain situations, we have to check the function whether it has definition or exist to call.  Else we have to bear some errors and it will affect next programs, than, total Javascript results failed to run. Its quite  good idea to check whether a function exist or not, which will prevent problems of js errors ...

How to Push Both Key and Value into an Array in jQuery

This is a simple way method to work with Array of Objects, You can simply push values to append it to an array, But if the array is Array of Object means you have to be careful on implementing the append operation.  In this article I am going to show you , how to deal with the Array of Objects and its pushing values for ...

