FrontAccounting POS Module – A Standalone Product

A Simple and Liteweight POS module for FrontAccounting(FA).Point of Sale is widely used and many super markets and stores has the functionality to sell the items from their store. We know that FrontAccounting is good standard framework for Accounting software. And we can create a module to have POS part alone. which will help you to handle sales from different terminals. But all of your sales can be stored in one FA. Most of the functionalities available within FA itself. But the terminal part, I have programmed to use it in separate module, Actually its not just a module. Its separate another Framework to work on POS point. So the FrontAccounting POS Module is just another framework.
Demo it here with below credentials
Username : demo
Password : password
Batch Demo
Username : batch
Password : password
For batch FA, you can refer the Batch product demo to get it. The Batch and expiry date applied in inside pos and recepit prints.
Username : sales
Password : password
And both login has the FA access, which you can simply access with POS main url followed by "FA" like this The same login will also work there to make changes in it.
Features of POS
- Muliple Salesmans
- Multiple companies and its branches
- Easy Print
- Direct Update to FA
- Lite weight to install and use.
- Barcode Scanner functionality added.
- Product Discount
- Easy Sales returns
- Roles based Transaction Rights
- Customizable with functionality
- Keyboard shortcuts for easy navigation
- Easy to translate the entire system
- Supports RTL
- Dimensions added
- Receipt Formats with A6, A7, A8 supported.
- Sales kit and foreign Key enabled.
- Reports also available.
- Salesman based reference for each sales. So you can track the sales done by which salesman by refering the to a sales.
- Payments can be recorded through Cash sales, Bank transfer and Credit sales.
- Multiple payments for a single sales in Frontaccounting POS system
- PHP 8.2 Support has been added to the POS system.